Samsung Good Lock Lets You Make Your Own Keyboard, Customize Sharesheet
Samsung has a set of small apps and utilities designed to allow users to customize and personalize their smartphone experience. Released under the unfortunate brand name of Good Lock, these modules sometimes make a good case of how OEMs can add actual value to an otherwise plain stock Android without having those pre-installed. In the latest batch of new modules, Samsung gives users the keys to customize two of the most rigid parts of the Android platform, the share sheet and the keyboard.
The Share Manager is actually a part of the existing Home Up Good Lock module and it gives users the ability to put order into the sometimes chaotic and random share sheet. Not only does it let you organize the apps you use most frequently, it even lets you limit the contacts and apps used in Direct Sharing. Of course, you can turn off Direct Share if it annoys you that much.

More interesting, however, it the new Keys Cafe, another poorly-named but extremely useful module. While Android does let you choose your keyboard of choice, very few of those keyboards let you customize the experience beyond themes. Keys Cafe does have that, too, but also goes beyond visual personalization.
Keys Cafe actually lets you create your own keyboard, changing the layout and adding or removing keys. This will be a big help to power users, especially those that need special keys not just for sending messages.
The rather unfortunate catch is that Good Lock and its modules aren't exactly available in all markets, though Samsung has been working to officially expand its reach. Unofficially, though, you can also try sideloading the apps, if you know where to look and at your own risk.