Saints Row IV: Re-Elected For PS4 And Xbox One Pricing
The teams at Deep Silver / Volition have let it be known that they're bringing Saints Row IV "Re-Elected" to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 27th. With this game – a re-imagining of Saints Row 4 – they'll be including Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. But the packaging is a bit confusing.
There will be two separate packages for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The first is a combination of the two games. This will be Saints Row IV: Re-Elected packaged together with Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. This package will cost you a cool $50 USD.
The second package will be JUST Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, all by its lonesome. If you're on Xbox 360, for example, or PlayStation 3, and you've already got Saints Row IV, then this deal is for you. It'll be JUST Saints Row: Gat out of Hell by itself for $19.99 USD.
At this time it would appear that Saints Row: Gat out of Hell will NOT be offered on its own for Xbox One or PlayStation 4. It just wouldn't make very much sense.

See a whole lot more about Gat out of Hell right this minute in our first trailer/detail article from earlier today!