Saent smart device aims to make you more productive at the office

A new smart device called the Saent has landed on Indiegogo. It's designed to help you be more focused and get more done while you are at work. Pressing the Saent buttons starts a focused work session blocking out distractions and it claims to help you build work rhythm and build better work habits.


The device is like a smart do not disturb sign that glows to give co-workers a reminder that you are working and don't want to be disturbed. Reports that show your success and failure to focus on work sessions promise to help users learn to focus on their work.

The way the device works is that when you press the button, the Saent app locks you into apps and websites that are needed for work based on a pre-defined list. If you try to change to an unproductive app, a reminder pops up to keep you on task. The device is also designed to help you work in blocks of 30, 50, or 90 minutes with breaks between to keep you clear and focused.

Saent is on Indiegogo seeking $50,000 and has raised over $52,000 so far. A pledge of $39 or more will get you a Saent with shipping set for November. The purchase includes a year of software; it's unclear if the device has ongoing monthly or yearly fees after the first year.


SOURCE: Indiegogo

