Render Script / 3D Applications Impress At Google Android Honeycomb Event

Flowing through items like the Music app, YouTube, and Google's book store are shown to be working miraculously well, looking amazing sliding back and forth, up and down. All of this done with Render Script, an element on the developer side of things designed to give devs the ability to create new and amazing graphics and user interface features never before possible. Another app shown to feature the capabilities of this new Honeycomb 3D rendering environment was Google's body app, showing all the parts of the body, taking away or adding layers as you wish, moving smoothly to show you what's going on in your body, and which bone you'd like to describe as broken to your doctor.


A group of game designers step on stage and show the fabulous looking hack-and-slash game Monster Madness. This game is an app made specifically for the tablet and Android 3.0 Honeycomb, and it appears to flow perfectly smooth. This is a game with a gigantic amount of bits that appear to be at PlayStation levels – think of Zelda with monsters coming from all directions. Next there's a game made to use 100% of the two cores whichever it's being used on: Great Battles, a knight game that again shows a massive amount of avatars, fighting, and moving bits that'll surely make good use of whichever powerful device it's run on. Lots of impressive 3D going on here, lots of action that until now was not even close to being possible on an Android device.


