R2-D2 Humidifier Launches Next Month

The number of characters in the Star Wars universe is by no means small, but R2-D2 seems to have best captured the imagination of designers, and as a result we've seen the little droid reimagined as a variety of devices — a teapot, desk vacuum, Bluetooth speaker, and other gadgets. Coming next month will be yet another variation, one we've seen a different-yet-similar R2-D2 rendition of: a humidifier.


Back in 2009, a small UBS-powered R2-D2 humidifier cropped up, but it wasn't very big, and arguably not very useful. Now there's another version inbound (from a different maker), and this one is larger, making it more suitable for the side table or use during those dry winter days.

The unit measures in at 11.5 x 7.25 x 6 inches in size — large enough to hold half a gallon of water, which will provide a room with a dozen hours of moisture, depending on settings. There's an automatic shutoff feature, and an integrated night light for illuminating the room. The water vapor puffs out of R2's head.

The humidifier operates off AC power, and features what the maker — Hammacher Schlemmer — says is ultrasonic technology for "stealthily" operation. The item is priced at $99.95 USD, and is estimated to start shipping on October 15th. Check out the timeline below for more R2-D2 gadgets!


VIA: Gizmodo

