Qik Premium Service Launches With EVO 4G [Video]
Remember the Qik HTC EVO 4G video call furore last week, and the company's promise to unveil some "premium features" on the same day that the WiMAX smartphone made its debut? Qik has now announced exactly what you can get for $4.99 per month in their Premium package, and it includes higher video quality together with the ability to send "video mail messages". Best news, though, is that Qik-to-Qik video chatting, live-streaming to the web and live sharing to social networks, IMs and video sites are still free.Video demo after the cut

There's also the ability to upload and share videos using the Qik system that have been filmed using the EVO 4G's native camcorder app, and you can take photos while recording video. Should things go wrong there's also "priority" support.
Qik will be trying to get users hooked on the Premium features by offering them all free of charge until July 15th, after which point they'll be part of a $4.99 per month subscription package. To be honest, we're not entirely sure most people will find it worth the money; it seems you get plenty for no extra cash anyway.
[Thanks Paul!]