PS3 The "Console War King" In Australia, Or Is It?

According to Michael Ephraim, managing director of Sony Australia, The Playstation 3 is king in the console wars, as least in Australia. Here is a riveting statement from him regarding its booming sales. ""PS3...outselling Wii and Xbox 360 every week, except for last week."


So let me get this straight Sony, it wasn't the leader last week? Had you made this announcement a week ago, it might sound like you're doing great. Nnow it just sounds like the newness is wearing off and one of the other consoles has taken your number 1 seat.

It's great to hear that the PS3 is doing well in the land down under, but it's hard to take a claim like "console war king" seriously when your console fell from number 1 the previous week.

PS3 is tops in Australia and a failure in the US [via crave]

