Preview Of Android Toys Series Part 2!
Google is getting to release the second generation of its popular Android toy robot line. The first series was designed solely by Andrew Bell, but this time around the 3" vinyl robots will don the designs of three designers. Andrew Bell is back but we also have designs from Gary Ham and Google themselves.
The rarity of each figure is decided by their ratio and the ratios for the known designs so far are: Hexcode by Andrew Bell: 2/16, Cupcake by Gary Ham: 1/16, and Greeneon by Google, Inc.: 2/16.
Expect more of the suspected twelve designs to be revealed as we near the release date of early March. The series will be blind-boxed once again, meaning purchasers of the tiny guy won't know which design they will receive until its opened. Just like opening up a pack of trading cards.
The new series will be arriving in stores and online at Dead Zerba in early March at will retail for $7.50 just like last time. Get ready to collect all of the little guys. What design would you like to see?

[Via Android Community]