Precise Audio (Volume Control) For Android Released [APK Download]
This week far finer-grain control over audio volume has been released for most Android devices. This control comes in an unofficial app by the name of Precise Volume – and it comes without cost. There is a version that adds odds and ends and bits of helpful functionality, but the base app add-on is free. This should serve to encourage Google (and other smartphone manufacturers) to bring just such a set of controls to their own phones in the near future.
Right off the bat we've seen quite a few questions surrounding root status. A smartphone or tablet does not need to have root access to use this app – this app works with Modify Audio Settings in Android. This is achieved through permissions, which are granted easily by the end user.
This Precise Audio app changes the amount of volume steps on an Android device from default to 100. Instead of 15 steps from silent to 100% volume, the end user will have 100 steps. This app does not allow a smartphone to get louder than it would with Android's standard audio controls. Instead it gives the user more precise audio volume control – easy peasy.
The app we're looking at here is ready for most Android devices, just so long as they have Android 4.0 or later. If you try to make it work and it goes all wacky, leave a comment. Or contact the creator directly via email: support (at) phascinate (dot) com. That's a good place to leave a comment about any bugs or mishaps that might occur. Updating to PRO requires a one-time payment of two dollars, fifty cents, while the key functionality of the app is free.
The developer of this app explains the permissions requested one-by-one, as follows, in the developer's words:
• Internet – For ads and in-app purchases.
• Modify Audio Settings – Obvious! :)
• Billing – For in-app purchases.
• Receive Boot Completed – For starting enabled services back up after a reboot.
• Wake Lock – Firebase SDK.
• Access Network State – Firebase SDK.
• Bluetooth – For the Bluetooth Automation feature.
To download the app, head over to XDA for the APK. UPDATE: There's now a Google Play app store link as well. Be sure to try this app out for a while before leaving it go the whole day, waiting for a phone call to be missed. Test the volume, then run with it!