Pokemon Sun And Moon Trailer Focuses Almost Entirely On New Monsters
Up until now, most of the Pokemon Sun and Moon trailers we've seen have previewed a mix of new Pokemon, gameplay mechanics, characters, and locations. That isn't the case with this latest trailer, which focuses almost entirely on introducing new Pokemon. More specifically, Nintendo has taken the opportunity to reveal a significant number of evolved forms.
The trailer starts us off with Silvally, which evolves from the synthetic Pokemon Type: Null. We're seeing hints of the mythical Pokemon Arceus here, as Silvally's RKS System allows it to change its type depending on which item it's holding. Just as well, Silvanny's Multi-Attack will change type in the same way, potentially giving the Pokemon a fairly large advantage in battle.
Next up are Hakamo-o and Kommo-o, the second and third evolutionary stages of the previously revealed Jangmo-o. While there aren't any specifics on Hakamo-o just yet, we are told of one move Kommo-o will have at its disposal. That move is called Clanging Scales, and it lowers Kommo-o's defense after use, leaving it more vulnerable to damage.

The adorable Steenee and Tsareena are evolutions of Bounsweet. Tsareena has an ability called Queenly Majesty, which seems to be pretty powerful as it prevents opposing Pokemon from using priority moves. Speed, in other words, isn't necessarily an advantage when it comes to battling a Tsareena.
Rounding out the new evolution reveals, we come to Ribombee, the evolved form of fan-favorite Cutiefly. Ribombee's bug and fairy dual-typing gives it type advantage against some of the more powerful Pokemon in the game, so it's possible we'll see Ribombee featured on some competitive teams. At the very least, it doesn't seem like Cutiefly and its evolved forms will lose viability as players move through the game.

While we've seen quite a few Alonan forms already, Nintendo apparently isn't done revealing them. The company reveals in this new trailer that Grimer and Muk will be getting Alonan forms in Sun and Moon. Along with this new (still gross) look, Grimer and Muk will be getting poison and dark dual-typing.
Finally, the trailer introduces two new Sun and Moon characters: Olivia and Ilima. Olivia will serve as the kahuna of Akala Island, while Olivia is a normal-type specialist who also happens to be a trial master.
So, even though this trailer doesn't reveal any new gameplay mechanics, it does show us quite a few new monsters that call the Alola region their home. Truth be told, we're probably not going to see many more gameplay reveals as we move forward, since Nintendo has already announced fair number of new features and likely wants to keep some under wraps until launch.
If you're interested in giving Pokemon Sun and Moon a spin they release, Nintendo will be launching a demo on the 3DS eShop on October 18. You'll get a special Geninja for playing through the demo, which can then be transferred to the full games once they launch for 3DS on November 18.