Pokemon GO Update News: CP Increase Tips And Thanksgiving
This week we're detailing and dealing with the Pokemon GO update which threw the masses into a tizzy. CP madness – up for some Pokemon, down for other Pokemon, and yelling abound. Right at the gate for the days-long Thanksgiving event in Pokemon GO and we get our first big adjustment to CP values for almost every single Pokemon – even the ones you forgot you caught in the first place.
What you're about to see is a chart which shows how each Pokemon was affected in this newest update. Pokemon GO's latest server-side update includes a balancing of monsters, some becoming more powerful, others nerfed. If you had an Alakazam or Gengar with top power but not quite enough to battle in a gym, you'll be happy to see what follows.
This is not the end of the adjustments Niantic will be doing to the game. In addition to continuing to balance out Pokemon powers, they'll be working on gym abilities, trading, battling out in the streets, and more. This is just the latest – Pokemon GO isn't about to stop changing – not any time soon.
For those looking for the Pokemon GO Thanksgiving week event, look no further. The times outlined below are what you'll need to look at for the start of the event this week. As for the end times: that's a different store entirely.
In the past, Niantic has been a bit hazy on when exactly in-game events will end. While they've announced end-times, the actual end of event bonuses haven't always lined up. As such, we'd recommend assuming the event is over on Monday, but not to be surprised if it lasts longer than that.
This update to the game for Thanksgiving will bring double-XP for the duration of the holiday weekend. This includes XP eggs, which normally bring about double XP. With an egg, a user will receive 4x the XP and stardust – get moving!