Pokemon GO Update Live! Plus How Eevee Evolves Into Umbreon And Espeon
This evening Pokemon GO Gen 2 was made live, bringing on a collection of 80+ new monsters to the game. This first big wave contains a whole lot of Pokemon originally released in the Pokemon Silver and Pokemon Gold games – though this isn't the first we've heard from the gen. The first we got were a bunch of babies – several Baby Pokemon hatched from Pokemon eggs that were pre-evolutions of Pokemon already in the game – save one. Now we've got a whole lot more!
Per our analysis earlier today, we've got almost all of the Pokemon from the second generation live here and now – but not all. We're still running through the list now to see which Pokemon are actually available and which are still to be set to go. This will require some work, as it has a bit to do with Niantic's server-side update code, and a bit to do with the code we have access to.
Users that wish to partake in this newest version of the game will need to download either the iPhone or Android version of the game updated just this week. For iPhones, that means heading to the iTunes App Store to download and reload. For Android users, heading to the Google Play app store should work just fine.

We'll be bringing a full guide to the public early tomorrow! But for now, the one thing you might've been waiting for more than any other for the past several months: Eevee Evolutions. Two new Eevee evolutionary Pokemon are live now – Espeon and Umbreon.
All you need to do to get either Espeon or Umbreon is to name an Eevee Sakura or Tamao. Sakura will turn into an Espeon while Tamao will turn into an Umbreon upon evolution – go for it! And stick around SlashGear's Pokemon GO Twitter @TeamPokemonGO for more tips and tricks! We're diving in!