Pokemon GO Server Status Is Down, But Also Up
How can Pokemon GO be down, but also up at the same time? Pokemon GO is a multi-tiered system, one in which more than one level of log-on and play is included. Today users have found several problems occurring at different times. Earlier today is was a bit of down time on the main server – high latency and inability to see Pokemon and/or Gyms and PokeStops. That down time seems to be fading, while a different down situation seems to be rising up.SEE TOO: Pokemon GO Plus delayed
The biggest problem Niantic is facing today is user inability to log in to Pokemon GO using their Pokemon Trainer Club account. This isn't the first time this has happened. Google Login for the United States, Europe, and Asia regions has been largely up and running for the past week or two with only minor hiccups – that's not true of Pokemon Trainer Club servers.
Over the past few weeks, one of the largest problems users have faced is logging in to Pokemon GO. Without being able to log in, gamers cannot game. Pokemon Trainer Club login is currently down in the United States, Europe, and Asia regions, and downtime has now lasted several hours.

NOTE: Data VIA DataDog.
Pokemon GO servers suffered a bit of a dip approximately 2 hours ago in all regions, but Niantic's response time seems to have been extraordinarily short. If you're already logged in with your Pokemon Trainer Club account, stay logged in! You won't be able to log back in if you've been kicked out.
Google accounts seem to be able to log in and stay logged in at this time – if you're having trouble, there's a good chance it might just be on your end.
Have a peek at SlashGear's @TeamPokemonGO Twitter account for more updates and tidbits. We've also got some talk of cheats (good and bad) as well as tips galore.