Pokemon GO Christmas Event Details Leaked Early
The Pokemon GO Christmas event is upon us, and Niantic is making some last-minute decisions on what to do. In Pokemon GO over the past several months, the developers at Niantic have been bringing special events to the game during holidays. These have included Halloween, Thanksgiving, and now Christmas, too. Some believe that the Santa Hat Pikachu is the only treat we have in store – we're inclined to disagree.
Two different event schedules are being decided upon – or at least were being decided upon – as recently as this past Friday. These event schedules have to do with how to place the next Pokemon GO event, be it during the Christmas break or over the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. Our anonymous source familiar with the information has provided precious little on which of the two plans will be decided upon solidly by the end of today.
Today is the day, according to previous month's schedules, that Niantic would reveal their plan for the next event. Monday just a few days before the major holiday of the month, that is. This one would be Christmas – but this month is odd, in the holiday sense of it all. This month has New Years Eve as well as Hanukkah and Christmas and Winter Solstice, Festivus, and of course Boxing Day.
Niantic's decision hinges on their willingness to allow an event to span longer than a week. It would make precious little sense to stop an event on a Tuesday rather than a Sunday or Monday. It might also make the most sense to start on Friday of this week and span through New Year's Day, thus also capturing Hanukkah.
This event will take place during the lull after the first set of Gen 2 Pokemon have arrived in eggs. This means the event will almost certainly feature egg incubation times cut in half. The next release of Pokemon from Gen 2 will also occur before the end of the year, just in time for a mega-event the likes of which will make Santa Hat Pikachu a forgotten myth of the past.
See more insider information and pre-event data before Niantic announces it through the @TeamPokemonGO Twitter portal. Also have a peek at the timeline below for more information on this Christmas event unfolding before your very eyes.