PlayStation VR Release Date And Pricing Revealed
Today the final consumer edition of the PlayStation VR headset has been revealed. They'll be releasing this device with a set of specifications that is both impressive and limited – prepared to meet the demands of the PlayStation 4 itself, including its hardware and software limitations therein. This device works with a single 5.7-inch display, rolling with 1920 x 1080 resolution – that's 960 x 1080 pixels per eye. Refresh rate is at 120 Hz, 90 Hz, and sensors include 9 LEDs/360-degree tracking.
This device is going to be priced relatively similar to the console on which it runs: $399. That's below the prices revealed for the PC-based VR headsets which this device is supposed to compete with – Oculus Rift primarily, which begins at $599 USD.
This headset will be available in October of 2016. That's this year. That'll be 6 years in the making – original development having been started in ernest back in 2010.
This headset's field of view is "approximately 100 degrees" according to Sony, and latency will be running at "less than 10ms." We hope that'll be enough!
Controllers will be the DUALSHOCK 4 – the PlayStation 4's primary controller – and the PS Move. Legacy controls for futuristic hardware indeed.

Sony's pricing appears to be on-point – not entirely traditional for the company. This may be a whole new door the PlayStation maker is running through full speed.
ALSO NOTE: EA and Lucasfilm have made an announcement that Star Wars: Battlefront will be coming to PlayStation VR exclusively. The game is already out in standard format – the VR version will come to Sony's PS4 ONLY.
Have a peek at the timeline below for additional details about the Sony PlayStation VR headset – previously called Project Morpheus – and stay tuned to SlashGear's GDC 2016 tag portal for hands-on action with this and other VR headsets soon!