PlayStation State Of Play Debuts Next Week With New Game Reveals
It looks like we're headed for some PlayStation 4 reveals, as Sony has announced that a new video presentation dubbed "State of Play" will be debuting next week. Sony is playing its cards close to its chest with today's announcement, opting not to give us any clues about the games State of Play might be covering. We'll just have to tune in next week to see what Sony has up its sleeve.
Sony says that the first State of Play – there are going to be more of them in the future – will cover upcoming games for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR. Sony will use State of Play to not only reveal new games, but also to show off trailers and gameplay footage from those titles.
In that way, it sounds like Sony is taking some inspiration from both Nintendo and Microsoft here. Nintendo, of course, likes to make new game announcements through livestreams it calls Nintendo Directs (or, as we saw earlier this week, Nindies Showcases which focus specifically indie titles). Microsoft does the same thing with Inside Xbox, though those broadcasts seem to focus on the Xbox platform as a whole instead of only covering upcoming games.

Inside Xbox and Nintendo Direct are both ongoing series that are hosted periodically to get new announcements out there, and it seems that State of Play will follow the same kind of structure. "State of Play will return throughout the year with more updates and announcements," Sony said in a post to the PlayStation Blog today. At the very least, we can probably expect another State of Play livestream for E3 2019 – though Sony is passing on the show this year, it probably doesn't want to be entirely silent while its competitors make their big E3 announcements.
In any case, this first State of Play will debut on Monday, March 25 at 2 PM Eastern time. It'll be livestreamed in a variety of places, including Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and even Twitter. We'll be covering State of Play's big announcements right here at SlashGear, so stay tuned for that.