PlayStation Plus Video Pass Leak Could Give You A New Bill To Pay
It looks like Sony might be preparing to roll some kind of video streaming component into PlayStation Plus. A new leak suggests that Sony is prepping a service called "PlayStation Plus Video Pass," though what, specifically, the Video Pass will entail is still unknown. Could this be one part of Sony's response to Xbox Game Pass?
Unfortunately, it's too early to answer that question, as we've only seen a few brief glimpses at PlayStation Plus Video Pass branding. The logo for the service and a banner ad for it were discovered on PlayStation's Polish website today, and while the references to the Video Pass were quickly taken down, the folks at Video Games Chronicle managed to take a few screengrabs before that happened.

On one of the pages advertising the Video Pass is a blurb that reads, "A new benefit available for a limited time on PlayStation Plus... PS Plus Video Pass is a trial service active 22.04.21 – 22.04.22. The subscription benefit is available to PS Plus users in Poland." That blurb makes it seem like this is a regional add-on of some kind, though it's ultimately unknown if Sony plans to roll this out on a global scale.

It's also unknown if this will be a paid add-on for PlayStation Plus subscribers or if it'll be rolled into the standard PlayStation Plus subscription, though again, the blurb makes it seem like it's a premium add-on. Basically, there's a lot we don't know about the PlayStation Plus Video Pass, but the timing of this leak is definitely curious considering that Sony plans to stop selling movies and TV through the PlayStation Store later this year. Perhaps Sony wants to halt media sales so it can offer this Video Pass alongside PlayStation Plus subscriptions?
At this point, we have a lot of questions and very few answers. Sony is reportedly working on an answer to Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass, so it's possible that the PlayStation Plus Video Pass could be part of those efforts. We'll need to wait and see if Sony makes an official announcement regarding the service, because right now, there's a lot that's unclear about the PlayStation Plus Video Pass.