PlayStation Plus Users Get A Big Surprise: Final Fantasy VII Remake's PS5 Upgrade
If you own a copy of Final Fantasy VII Remake through PlayStation Plus, we've got some good news for you today. Square Enix has announced that PlayStation Plus copies of Final Fantasy VII Remake will soon be eligible for the update to the PlayStation 5 version of the game. Since those users thought they wouldn't have the opportunity to upgrade, this will likely be a pleasant surprise indeed.
When Final Fantasy VII Remake was offered through PS Plus back in March, Square Enix and Sony made it very clear that copies claimed through the service wouldn't be eligible for the update to the PS5 version. Those who wanted to play on Sony's latest would have the buy the PS5 version separately, the companies said, and up until today, that held true.
However, Square Enix revealed via Twitter today that PlayStation Plus owners of Final Fantasy VII Remake will indeed be able to upgrade to the PS5 version of the game, dubbed Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade. Those upgrades will become available on Wednesday, so if you've got a long Christmas weekend coming up, you'll be able to sink your teeth into Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 5.
While Square Enix's tweet doesn't say whether or not the upgrade will be free, Polygon reports that there will be a fee attached to it. We don't know how much that fee is for the time being, but we'll keep our fingers crossed for a charge that's on the lower end, like $10 or something suitably small.

Square Enix also revealed today that the DLC expansion for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, Episode INTERmission, will be discounted by 25% beginning Wednesday as well. The expansion features Yuffie Kisaragi and shows us what she's up to during the events of Final Fantasy VII Remake. Normally $19.99, a 25% discount will bring Episode INTERmission down to $14.99 for the duration of this sale.
So, this is indeed a pleasant surprise for the Final Fantasy VII fans on PlayStation. On the PC side of things, Final Fantasy VII Remake has been the subject of some controversy lately. Not only did the game launch as an Epic Games Store exclusive – a decision that always upsets a portion of the PC player base without fail – it also seems that the PC version is a little underwhelming (as reported by PC Gamer) here at release.
We'll see if the PC version gets some fixes for the stuttering issues users are reporting, but beyond that, we're also waiting for word on when the follow-up to Final Fantasy VII Remake will arrive. Final Fantasy VII Remake only covers a portion of the original Final Fantasy VII story, with Square Enix planning to continue the narrative in a new game. We've heard next to nothing about that game yet, but we'll keep our eyes peeled for more.