PlayStation Plus Games For February Feature Some Big Names

Sony has revealed the PlayStation Plus games for February, and just like last month, subscribers have some big titles on the way. First up for February is BioShock: The Collection, a compilation that bundles the three games in the BioShock series together. If you've never played any of the BioShock games and want to learn what all of the fuss is about, this is a prime opportunity to do so.


These days, the BioShock series is looking a little long in the tooth, as the last game in the franchise – BioShock Infinite – was released in 2013. The franchise's beginnings stretch all the way back to 2007 with the release of the original BioShock, a game that's well worth playing today despite being nearly 13 years old.

Joining BioShock: The Collection in February will be The Sims 4, which is the latest entry in Maxis and EA's unceasingly popular franchise. Like the other games, The Sims 4 will have you creating characters and leading them through all that life entails, whether that's climbing the corporate ladder, improving skills, navigating romances, or having babies.

While that does it for the PlayStation 4 games, PlayStation VR owners are getting another free title in February: Firewall Zero Hour. As Firewall Zero Hour goes free on PlayStation Plus, it'll also be kicking off a new season that adds a new map, so if nothing else, existing players will be able to look forward to an influx of new players just as the season begins.


These new games will be free from February 4th (the same day Firewall Zero Hour's new season kicks off) until March 2nd. There's still time to download January's free games – Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Goat Simulator – so do that if you haven't already. Between January and February, PlayStation Plus is off to a strong start for the year, so let's see if Sony can keep it up in March.

