Periscope Hits 10 Million Users Milestone
On Wednesday, Periscope announced that it had reached (and subsequently exceeded) the 10 million user accounts mark on August 2, underscoring the success it has seen since launch and the growing adoption by mobile users. Periscope first launched back in late March, making it a fresh-faced service with a big-name foundation: Twitter. The service has so far trumped competing product Meerkat, though both of those services are staring down the barrel of big competition with YouTube's newly made live streaming announcement.
Periscope dropped a few graphs to go along with the announcement, one of which you can see below. The amount of time users spend watching video everyday has been, more of less, steadily increasing over the weeks since launch. The most notable part of the data is this: Periscope users are watching more than 40 years of video every single day via their Android and iOS devices.

The company says it cares most about the Time Watched metric, the reasons for which are numerous: it best reflects the service's value for both viewers and broadcasters, says Periscope, and it better shows the companies growth than monitoring the number of daily active users the company has — though that latter metric has also seen considerable growth over the past few months as indicated by the graph below.
Says Periscope, "Optimizing for DAU/MAU doesn't properly motivate our team to create a product that people love ... We hold ourselves accountable to Time Watched as an organizational measure because it reflects the kernel of our product, and our core values."

SOURCE: Medium