Periscope For Android Missing: Underscoring The iPhone Problem

There are two ways to look at the situation with Twitter's re-launch of Periscope (for iPhone only). One is a show of power – such a massive number of people use the iPhone – any number of generations of iPhone – that Twitter will develop an app that launches on that platform first, and exclusively (for a short period of time.) The other way to look at the situation is that Twitter is ignoring the first-wave early adopter crowd with Periscope, the same way competing service Meekrat still has no Android service weeks after launch.


Are iPhone users more engaged in apps? Does the iPhone create a more focused environment in which developers can seek the more controlled opinions of users?

Testing in the field is what's important here. Developing for iOS allows for a large launch without worrying about massive problems reported by users with unique devices and unique software.

Apple's approach to software and hardware has the masses running just a few different combinations of software and hardware while Android is... well... the opposite.

While I love Android and do not use an iPhone as my daily driver, I understand the need for a focused launch such as this. Calling it "a problem" only serves to fire up the Android masses, calling attention to a situation that needs explaining.


So here's the explanation: it's a necessity.

It works.

Launching an app to Apple's mobile device platform first not only allows for a controlled testing arena, it creates hype.

And that's what makes an app become successful. It's worked in the past, and it'll continue to work in the future.

