Paper Stories From Facebook App Launches For iOS
The Facebook-made app known as "Paper" has launched this morning after a brief preview last week. This app acts as a sort of alternate portal to the Facebook world, allowing the content made by and for Facebook users to be consumed and created with an interface unique to the mobile environment. At the moment this app is being released for iOS, allowing in iPhone users first and foremost.
This app is ready to be the first of a series of apps the Facebook development team are releasing in order to re-capture the imaginations of the mobile universe. While they've still got their own basic Facebook app and apps for multiple platforms, this release constitutes the first of what the company suggests is a whole new wave of releases.
This mobile release appears – for the moment – to be hitting iOS alone. While Facebook has released their own versions of their one original Facebook app to multiple platforms in the past, there's a chance that this release may be unique to the iPhone. Instead, Facebook may be prepared to release unique apps for each operating system and/or display size.
This means different apps for tablets than for smartphones, first, but perhaps different aims for apps for Android and Windows Phone in the future. For now we've just got the one, right here this week for iOS. "Paper Stories from Facebook" is available in the App Store for Apple devices this morning and it is a completely free download as such. Let us know how you find it!