Pandigital Novel Pulled For A Month-Long Firmware Fix

Fresh news out of Pandigital today, finally responding to the is-it-a-recall controversy of recent weeks, and who are now saying that the Novel touchscreen ereader won't be back in stores for around a month.  The Digital Reader has been told by the company that they've using this opportunity to re-examine the firmware and make sure it's really ready for public consumption this time around.


"In going through the fix," the unnamed spokesperson claims, "we're taking extra time to make sure it's absolutely final before we send it out."  She also comments on the black hardware which was spotted crossing the FCC, and confirms that it is indeed another version of the Novel.  Apparently the initial plan had been to release the white first and then follow up with the black; however this new firmware delay has changed that somewhat:

"At this point, we have two products that have both been in development for the past few months. We will be selling them both to various retailers. The original plan was that the white model would ship first, but it looks like the black model may hit the market at the same time."


