Palm Phone Unboxing: Look At This Tiny Thing!
There is a very, very tiny smartphone out in the wild right now and it goes by the name PALM. This device is unique in its aim to be a "Companion Phone", a phone that "goes places your smartphone can't." If you remember being told by your dad that you didn't need a smartphone because you already had a computer at home, this might be the PALM for you.
Is it Palm or PALM, in all caps?
The folks at the phone brand use all caps, PALM, while Verizon writes it like, Palm. Because writing in all caps looks insane to me unless I'm typing certain gaming brand names, I'll be using standard Palm format from this point forward. This device, according to Verizon's hardware listing, goes by the name Palm Palm – but that's beside the point.

It's so super small
You won't believe how tiny the 2018 Palm device is until you see it in real life. You might also be able to tell in the photos above and below, assuming I've included a scale-friendly object or objects as I intended before I took photos – but we'll see! Dear future me, do that!

• Dimensions: 50.6 x 96.6 x 7.4mm
• Weight: 62.5 grams
• Construction: Crafted billet aluminum mid-frame
• Display: 3.3" HD Display – 445 PPI LCD
This phone has a 3.3-inch display, and it's so extremely tiny you're going to lose it. You're probably going to misplace this device before you get home from your local Verizon, assuming you didn't buy it online. It's so extremely tiny, you might just want to buy one just to see the looks on people's faces when you're using a Galaxy Note 9 one day, and a Palm the next.
What's in the box?
In the box you'll find the device itself, a USB-C cord, and the wall plug that connects to the USB-C cord that'll power up your Palm phone's battery. You're going to open the box and just stare at the size of the phone for the longest time. You might want to open the box on a Saturday just to make sure you're not late for work on Monday.

The cord is standard size, and there's no easily recognizable branding on the charger. It's not the MOST important thing in the world, but when a company takes pride in its in-box accessories, you can really tell.

What do you want to know?
Now's your chance to ask questions about this device, here and now, so I can answer them either here or in the full review. Our full Palm (2018) Review is coming soon – and I'm hoping to get as in-depth as I can be, given the unique nature of this phone.

OR it could be that nobody in the entire world is interested in this device, and we'll see about that! Comment in this article below with questions – or ask questions on social media like Twitter using the hashtag #SGpalmquestions to catch me and us before the review is posted!