Ouya Android Console Open To Suggestions As It Blasts Past $2m
Android console project Ouya has already smashed through the $2m backer point on Kickstarter, more than doubling the original pledge goal and posing a challenge as to what exactly to do with all that money. Having already met its target within the space of hours, Ouya has opened up the floor to backers for suggestions as to what the next steps should be.
"Do you realize what you've done? You proved consoles aren't dead. You shocked the world. And us!We are blown away by your support. With your help, we just raised $2 million. And it's only the first day.
Now we want to blow you away. The biggest thing for us right now: we are working on our stretch goals, what we can do if we raise more money. It might take us a few days to figure that out, and we want your help." Ouya email to backers
It's not the first time we've seen a Kickstarter project exceed the expectations of its creators and expand to satisfy backers. "Internet of things" project Twine was perhaps the first Kickstarter bl0w-up, spawning various sensor boards and probes as more and more enthusiasts weighed in.
The future for Ouya is arguably even more flexible. The console, which runs Android 4.0 on a Tegra 3 chipset, is designed to be easily tinkered-with; Ouya has ever said it will share hardware technical details if it likes the sound of developers' projects.
With 28 days to go – and an estimated ship date of March 2013 – there's still plenty of time for Ouya and its new crowd of fans to shape the console's future. Meanwhile, more consoles have been put up for grabs: the $99 pledge point has been boosted to now offer 20,000 spots, of which less than 5,000 remain at time of writing.