Nokia World Set To Preempt New iPhone With Apollo
If you're living in the Microsoft universe and love their mobile strategy – and bright colors – you'll be glad to know that it's been tipped the Nokia will reveal their next generation of devices with Windows Phone 8 in September. During their next big event, Nokia World, both September 5th and 6th will be the home of a worldwide announcement of Nokia's newest lineup, complete with Windows Phone 8 (Apollo) software onboard. This will put Nokia's reveal just one week ahead of what's generally been accepted as the must-be date for Apple's next smartphone: September 12th for the new iPhone.
It's strange to think that Nokia or Microsoft would place the event so close to even the possibility of a new iPhone, especially when Apple just last month noted that anticipation of the new iPhone was so high that it was hurting current iPhone sales significantly. Nokia is ready to come correct, on the other hand, still staying tough with their assurance that Microsoft is their best hope for a revitalization of their brand through the next few years.
This tip comes from Bloomberg where they've also mentioned the relatively unimpressive statistics that surround Nokia's efforts with Windows Phone so far. Nokia sold just 600,000 Lumia devices (their current Windows Phone-toting lineup) last quarter in the USA according to the company itself – but they will not be deterred.
If Nokia is to have a successful second-wave launch of devices here near the Fall of 2012, they're going to need to jump on board the "everyone" ship like Samsung has with the Galaxy S III. Thus far Samsung has done undeniably well with Galaxy S III sales after just two months of the device being on the market. A large part of the success of the Galaxy S III in the USA has been its near-simultaneous launch on five major mobile networks across the nation.
Nokia – make with the original Google dream for a smartphone and team up with everybody all at once! And if that doesn't work – you know who has some software you might want to see!