Nextbit: Android 1.0 Crew To "Reboot" Mobile With New Smartphone
The software group known as Nextbit is turning into a smartphone company. With this change, they suggest that in today's mobile industry, "it's time for a reboot." They're planning on making a splash with executives from the original Android 1.0 team as well as a designer from HTC's "heyday." That's now-VP of Product Scott Croyle, a fellow who today suggests he's "really excited to work on a phone that 'feels" different from anything else out there. Whether or not that means it'll be made of odd materials, we'll just have to see.
Nextbit is a crew of creators who've made their name in the past few years with a bit of software that allows you to move content from one device to the next with ease. They called it "Baton", like the handing of a baton from one person running a race to the next. Have a peek at Baton to see where they're coming from.
At some point between late 2014 and now, Nextbit decided to reboot their company and reboot their intent with the public. Now they're coming out as a smartphone maker.
While they won't be revealing a whole lot of information about the hardware just yet, we can expect "hints" from their social media accounts aplenty.

They say they're going to "stand out against the tide of other devices being launched."
They've retweeted posts on Twitter that lead us to believe they'll be launching a phone with significantly less software onboard right out of the box.
It seems as though they want to get rid of the clutter.
Hang around our Nextbit tag portal as well as our Android hub for more information in the near future. This company has been backed financially by both both Accel Partners and Google Ventures, so as they suggest, "you can expect a device that will make an impact."
Head to the timeline below for more clues in the (relatively short) past of this company.