New Tomb Raider Trailer Shows Grittier Gameplay

It's been a year since it was first announced that Ms. Lara Croft would be rebooted in a new Tomb Raider, and not too long ago we heard news that the refreshed franchise had been delayed to 2013. If you're still a little bummed out that you won't be tomb raiding until next year, Square Enix has released a lengthy gameplay trailer to give you a feel for the upcoming game and what to expect from the new Lara Croft.


The feel of the game is definitely grittier, with Croft constantly being hurled around, abused, and generally having a bad time. Her appearance is mostly disheveled, although our one complaint is that the choice in voice actor is perhaps misguided. It's not bad, but the titular character can come across as a little whiny in certain moments, and not like, well, a hero.

Still, the game seems to borrow quite heavily from Unchartered in terms of set pieces and gaming, which isn't a bad thing considering the success of that franchise. Make sure to check out the video below to see all the action in glorious high definition.

[via Kotaku]

