Netflix Masters Of The Universe Revelation Trailer: Bashasaurus And An Epic Cast
When Netflix started releasing She-Ra back in 2018, it seemed inevitable that they'd include He-Man in some form or another. As it turned out, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power was fantastic enough – and gathered a fanbase massive enough – that it needed no assistance from the likes of its original co-brand. At the same time, Netflix decided it wanted to go ahead and create another show based on the original toy line, this time literally picking up where the original 1980's TV show (based on the toys) left off.
Netflix's own "Masters of the Universe: Revelation" show is an "epic story" that "pickes up where the 80's series left off and brings the power of Grayskull back to the world." Much like the original TV show, this show will focus on a universe that's very toy-friendly.
As noted by Movie Critic Sean Chandler, it's easy for an old He-Man fan to watch the trailer and say "I've got that toy" – for example: Bashasaurus! This completely absurd vehicle appears for just a moment in the trailer, but everything about it – size, shape, and even color – are clearly meant to match the original toy.
While watching the Masters of the Universe Revelation trailer (from @ThatKevinSmith )with my son, I kept turning to him and saying, "I've got that toy in the garage!" So I went and pulled out my 35 year old box 📦 full of toys! #heman #mastersoftheuniverse
— Sean Chandler (@kirkneverdied) June 10, 2021
The release of this show matches up with Mattel re-releasing sizeable amounts of He-Man toys in stores, both in slightly modernized form and in retro styling. He-Man toys were always made to bash – and the bashing shall continue!

We won't know for certain if the show is good until we see it – but if the voice cast is any indication, this is going to be a masterpiece.
• Stephen Root is Cringer
• Henry Rollins is Tri-Klops
• Alicia Silverstone is Queen Marlena
• Justin Long is Roboto
• Phil LaMarr is He-Ro
• Lena Headey is Evil-Lyn *
• Liam Cunningham is Man-At-Arms *
• Sarah Michelle Gellar as Teela
• Susan Eisenberg is Sorceress ~
• Kevin Conroy is Mer-Man +
• Diedrich Bader is Trap Jaw +
*Lena Heady and Liam Cunningham both played major roles (though not often on the screen at the same time) in HBO's Game of Thrones.
~ Susan Eisenberg is effectively the de-facto voice of Wonder Woman in animated shows and video games, courtesy of her decades of experiences as such.
+ If you've ever watched a cartoon or played a video game featuring Batman, chances are you've heard Batman represented by Kevin Conroy or Diedrich Bader.
And as if it weren't exceedingly obvious, right out the gate, Skeletor is voiced by Mark Hamill.
The show is produced by Kevin Smith. Generally, when Smith is in charge of a production, there's a fairly decent chance we're going to see either Smith himself or Jason Mewes as part of the cast. In this case, we're getting Jason Mewes cast as the most smelly character of the bunch: Stinkor. We're also getting Kevin Smith's daughter (Harley Quinn Smith) as the voice of Ileena.
This production will be released in "parts" rather than all at once. While Netflix has traditionally released episodic TV shows a whole season at a time, they appear to have learned the value of releasing one episode at a time from Disney. "Part 1" of Masters of the Universe: Revelation will be released on Netflix on July 23, 2021.