NERF Fortnite Blasters Revealed With Preorders And Release Date
Late last year, Hasbro introduced a Fortnite-themed NERF blaster and now it is back with the rest of the lineup. Customers can pre-order the blasters ahead of their official launch in March, at which point Hasbro will release several NERF guns all styled after firearms from the popular battle royale games. Themed weapons include the tactical shotgun, rocket launcher, hand cannon, and more.
The NERF blasters are water and foam dart guns, of course, but they bring the same appearance at weapons from Epic Games' Fortnite video game. We got a look at a water gun version of the Legendary Suppressed Assault Rifle last year, but now the company is back with a catalog of its latest products. A total of eight models are now available to preorder.

Hasbro's lineup includes small, cheap products like a $9.99 USD TS NERF MicroShots Dart gun, including a version that looks like a llama head. Other offerings include a larger RL Super Soaker Water Blaster that looks like a rocket launcher for $19.99 USD. The tactical shotgun, meanwhile, is a TS-R Super Soaker Water Blaster with pump action, this model likewise sitting at $19.99 USD.

Other blasters in the lineup include an SP-L NERF Elite Dart Blaster for $19.99 USD and the flagship item, the AR-L Dart Blaster Legendary Assault Rifle for $49.99 USD. All eight products are available to preorder from Hasbro Pulse now; the company lists the availability date as March 22, 2019.

It was inevitable that companies would get on the Fortnite bandwagon given its massive popularity. The game continues to enjoy substantial success leading into the end of its seventh season. Players only have a couple weeks left to unlock their Battle Pass tiers before Season 7 ends and Season 8 is unveiled.