Neon Genesis Evangelion Tamagotchi lets you raise Angels

In the world of manga and anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion is right up there as one of the most popular franchises, despite and because of its rather heavy themes and treatment of its characters. The brand has been used and various product collaborations but you may have never seen this mashup coming. Tamagotchi, owned by Bandai, has slowly been reviving its egg-shaped toys and the name's popularity and what better way to do that than by letting you raise your own Eva Angel.


Those who are familiar with the lore of Neon Genesis Evangelion might be raising an eyebrow, perhaps while simultaneously squealing with glee. In the series, the Angels, which look nothing like their popular representations, are pretty much the baddies that may or may not want to wipe out humanity. Eva x Tamagotchi is practically telling fans to raise their own doomsday device.

That aside, the Evangelion Tamagotchis will bring plenty of nostalgia and fun for fans of the franchise. A total of 20 angel variations can be raised in three options of eggs. The color of these eggs will also remind fans of the three protagonists and their respective uniforms.

As with any Tamagotchi product, raising involves interacting with your pets, or Angels, rather. In this case, though, those interactions include battle training and helping them avoid the lethal Longinus Spear. Treat your Angel poorly and you might find yourself warded away by the Angel's A.T. Field.


These Eva X Tamagotchi eggs will be available on June 13 but those in Japan can already pre-order them for 2,530 JPY ($23) apiece. When or even if they will make their way to other markets hasn't yet been revealed. Hopefully, it will, considering the franchise will most likely see a revival thanks to the upcoming new installments in the anime series.

