Nemorelaxer Coming To An Airport Near You
Imagine being able to use your spare time at the airport to catch some much needed rest or net some added productivity by removing distractions. I know that I could have been a lot more productive if I could have had access to a comfortable work station which had internet access, a comfortable seat, a desk, and an easy access outlet.
The fact that it's sound proof and has a recliner built in just makes it that much better whether you are using it to sleep or do work. There is also a touch-screen monitor that you can select and then watch movies on if you wish.
Time in the pods will likely be sold by the half hour, which isn't a bad rate as long as it's not too pricey. There will also be some sort of an attendant to the pods that can wake you at a desired time so you aren't late for your flight or ride pickup, they'll also watch your luggage so you don't have to try and cram it all into the pod with you.
[via the luxist]