Moto Z2 Force Screen Is Peeling Off For A Number Of Users
Remember that Valentine's Day promo Motorola just kicked off? You know, the one that offered a free Amazon Alexa Moto Mod for a purchase of a Moto Z2 Force Edition? You might want to think really hard about in case you were considering taking Moto up on that offer. Because according to some users, even the $149 freebie might not be worth the headache you might incur after seeing your "shatter proof" screen peeling off and then being charged for a replacement while still in warranty.
This isn't the first screen-related controversy for the Moto Z2 Force, and both might actually be related. Shortly after its launch, the shatter proof phone was criticized for being scratch prone. Motorola easily fended that off by explaining the "unique" material it uses for its ShatterShield screen, which is basically a shatter proof but not scratch proof plastic material. Back then, Moto offered free replacements for scratched outer layer.
This time, though, users are reporting an even graver problem. That layer is coming off for some who swear they aren't doing anything unusual with their phones. Unlike your run of the mill plastic screen protector, however, the ShatterShield coating seems to be peeling like a thin sheet of plastic wrap.
To add insult to injury, Motorola's initial response was basically to charge owners for repairs or replacements despite the device just being one year into its market life. In other words, it should still be covered by the warranty. Some users did report that Motorola seems to have changed its tune, offering the service or replacement for free later on. The company, however, hasn't made any official statement yet.
VIA: PiunikaWeb