Monster Hunter: World's Next Horizon Zero Dawn Quest Revealed
If you happen to own Monster Hunter: World on PlayStation 4, then you're likely aware of the extra content that's only available on your platform. Since launch, Capcom has been running a special promotion that nets Monster Hunter players items that tie into Horizon Zero Dawn, which was perhaps PS4's best exclusive in 2017. The first stage of that promotion finished earlier in the month, and now Capcom has told us when the next stage will begin.
Starting on February 28 and running until March 5, you'll be able to participate in what Capcom calls "The Proving" – another reference to Horizon Zero Dawn. By slaying a giant Anjanath, which you can see in the image above, you'll be able to unlock Aloy's armor and bow from Horizon Zero Dawn for use in Monster Hunter: World.
This set of armor has a perk beyond just looking cool, though, as it'll give your hunter the appearance of Aloy regardless of their gender. The previous tie-in mission gave your Palico companion a Horizon Zero Dawn-themed set of equipment, so if you complete this one, you'll have a nice aesthetic going on between your hunter and their cat pal.
If you want to participate in The Proving, you'll need to be Hunter Rank 11, which means that you'll need to have played a fair amount of the game. Thanks to this early warning, those who have been a bit more casual in their approach to Monster Hunter: World so far (or have yet to start at all) have plenty of time to get their rank up, but given that The Proving will only be available for a week, you'll want to do it soon.
We don't know what else aside from hunting a giant Anjanath will be required of players, but that could very well be an ordeal all itself. Though Anjanaths are introduced early in the game, they can still be a formidable opponent, so hunting a giant one might not be very easy. We'll see if more details are revealed as we get closer to February 28, so stay tuned.