Microsoft Prototypes Cloud Gaming, Takes On Sony's Gaikai

Microsoft insiders have revealed that the company is developing a cloud gaming system capable of streaming a high-quality interactive experience to a range of systems. The revelation comes just three months after Sony bought Gaikai, signaling the onset of a popcorn-worthy battle of the cloud gaming Titans that should keep us entertained for years to come. Sony is looking to roll out cloud gaming to PS3 and PS4 in 2014.


The system, demonstrated in a recent private meeting of Microsoft staff using the middling but stalwart Nokia Lumia 520 handset as well as on a "low-end PC," is only a prototype. No brand name or project code was given, but there's little doubt Microsoft intends to enter the market.

Cloud gaming depends on robust server clusters, not client-side hardware, which is why Microsoft officials opted to run the demo on such humble devices. The result was an impressively low latency period of 45 milliseconds, well within range of the 100 ms Gaming Anywhere recommends. Nonetheless, Microsoft's real mission is to extend cloud gaming to Xbox One, even retrofitting older games and streaming them to the gloriously overqualified new system.


It was likely at that same Thursday, Sept. 26 meeting that the Windows Store and Windows Phone Store were announced to be merging in the near future for more streamlined management; and the Lumia 520 was incidentally reported to be Microsoft's top-selling Windows device, beating out all other products including PCs.

SOURCE: The Verge

