Microsoft Bing Arrives On Xbox With The Promise Of Rewards
Today's consoles are no longer just dedicated gaming appliances. They have also become entertainment centers and, in some cases, computers in their own right. That's especially true with the Xbox, which shares a common DNA with Windows because of their Microsoft heritage. The ties between the two just got a bit closer with Xbox gaining a Microsoft Bing, formerly just Bing, app, which also brings with it Microsoft's Rewards program just for doing searches.
Games these days have become so deep, so sophisticated, and so dynamic that there always comes a time when you want to consult dear ol' Web for guidance. Rather than squint your eyes at your phone's screen, why not enjoy the large screen attached to your Xbox One or, soon, Xbox Series X|S instead?
That's where the Microsoft Bing Xbox app comes in, allowing you to search for guides, cheats, and Internet posts about Xbox games right on your console. You can input via keyboard or, better yet, via voice (Microsoft doesn't name Cortana).
The Xbox version of Bing, or rather Microsoft Bing, also brings in Microsoft Rewards. The program is meant to entice users to search with Bing rather than Google to earn rewards that can be redeemed for gift cards or donations. Microsoft Rewards can also be earned through quizzes and polls.

The Microsoft Bing app also offers personalized features, like Bing images of the day you can grab to turn into your console's wallpaper. It will also recommend games based on your Xbox profile and stats, your game progress, and what your friends are playing. Not everyone, however, might be comfortable with mixing Microsoft's search engine and their Xbox activity but, fortunately, they don't have to install the Bing app if they don't want to.