Mass Effect M8 Avenger Replica Built By 28-Year-Old Dork

This replica of the M8 Avenger Assault rifle from Mass Effect may well be the coolest replica ever made from a video game. The builder is Harrison Krix, a self-proclaimed 28-year-old dork working in graphic design that makes replica props in his free time and does a fantastic job of it.


Krix outlines exactly how he went about making the replica starting with the blueprints for the thing. He points out that his version is a mash up of the two versions that you can see on box art. The project started with cutting out parts form a ¾" sheet of MDF. After that, the cutting and carving began.

You can follow all of the steps of the project and if you are adept at DIY maybe, you can even make your own. I like the disclaimer Krix has under the photo of the finished project that states, "Note: if you email me and ask to buy this gun for $28, I will say yes; I will then take your money and mail you a box of wood shavings. You have been warned." I wonder if $29 cold buy it.

