Mass Effect 3 Delayed Until 2012

One of the most highly anticipated games of the year, Mass Effect 3, will be delayed by Electronic Arts until 2012. The company made the announcement on the game's Facebook page, saying they want to make sure the game is the best it can be. Mass Effect 3 was originally due out in Fall 2011. The response of fans on the page seems mostly positive, saying that it's better to make sure the game is right rather than rush the release.


Casey Hudson, Executive Producer of the Mass Effect series said, "Mass Effect 3 will be released in the first three months of 2012. The development team is laser focused on making sure Mass Effect 3 is the biggest, boldest and best game in the series, ensuring that it exceeds everyone's expectations."

EA is set to report earnings later this afternoon, and we will be tuning in to see if they discuss the game delay further. It isn't clear if this delay will have an impact on EA's earnings, since this is only one title of many that EA publishes. The first two Mass Effect games, published by EA's BioWare division, garnered a fan base in the millions. The storyline of the game revolves around saving Earth from the Reapers by rallying the civilizations of the galaxy together. When Mass Effect 3 does come out in the first quarter of 2012, it will be even more highly anticipated.


Meanwhile, you can enjoy a Mass Effect 3 trailer:

[via Games Beat]

