Mail For Microsoft Exchange Beta For The Helio Ocean Set To Launch Today

Tonight Helio is taking the wraps off of their latest project, Mail for Microsoft Exchange. The new program will be in beta form for 60 days, and will be free for All-In members.

The new Mail for Microsoft Exchange will allow users to sync Contacts, Calendar and Email OTA with Exchange Server 2003 SP2 or higher. Once it has launched, you should be able to go into the Message app in your Ocean and find the new mailbox. Just click on it and it will launch your browser and allow you to download the software. Piece of cake.


Once the beta period has ended, you will be able to purchase the Mail for Microsoft Exchange service for $9.99/mo for All-In members. Also, in about a month we should see the Helio File Viewer which will allow you to view .doc, .ppt, .xls and .pdf files on your Ocean. This will be free for all subscribers. This is what I love about Helio, they don't just put out a product and stop there, they keep adding in new features all the time.

