Magikarp Jump App Is Super Quick Fun [iPhone / APK Download]
Google Play as well as Apple's App Store now have the next Pokemon game Magikarp Jump. This game is very likely the most inane Pokemon game in the history of Pokemon games – and not only on the mobile platform. This is the latest effort by The Pokemon Company to cash in on the Pokmon craze created in part by Niantic's release of Pokemon GO. This game is not the same as Pokemon GO, but it has just about as many Magikarp inside.
Much like what's presented in the most recent Mario mobil game for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices of all sorts, this Magikarp Jump game is very simple. It relies on the user's wishes to get their sole Pokemon up to snuff. One their singular Magikarp is big enough, it'll be able to jump high enough to compete.

The goal in this game is to get one Magikarp to jump high enough to beat another Magikarp. When a user does a good job making their Magikarp jump high, they can share a picture of their achievement with the world with social networking sharing – like Instagram! Or like Twitter! Or even Facebook will work.
Users will be able to decorate their Magikarp's habitat with all sorts of fun objects, including a decoy Pokemon – and other oddities. This game includes an in-game tournament ladder that everyone can see – which will make watching the growth of this game very interesting. Expect to drop massive amounts of cash on this game immediately – it's addicting.
This game is available for download on the Apple App Store for iPhone and iPad. It's also available on Google Play for all the Android devices in the world. Of special note: this game appears under The Pokemon Company as a developer group, but is actually developed by the folks at "SELECT BUTTON inc." – a super cute group indeed.