Luxottica and Intel partner to make smartglasses stylish

Smartglasses are picking up speed, with Google rumored to be adding Intel's presence to its Glass wearable and Vuzix putting its own M100 model up on Amazon for pre-order. Though smart eyewear is a lot of things, stylish isn't really one of them, and Intel aims to change that. The company has announced a new collaboration with Luxottica to mix its smart technology with the latter company's fashionable eyewear knowledge to usher in a future of stylish wearables.


This is a research and development collaboration, says Intel, that aims to "push the boundaries" and lead to the fashion-forward smart eyewear that will no doubt dot our technology-laden future. Not much else has been stated at this point, though Intel says we can expect the first product from this partnership to arrive next year.

Said Intel CEO Brian Krzanich about the collaboration, "Through our collaboration with Luxottica Group, we will unite our respective ecosystems and bring together Intel's leading-edge silicon and software technology with Luxottica's design innovation and consumer expertise."

The expectation is that through this partnership the rate of innovation in this area will ramp up. Luxottica's CEO stated on the business move that his company will "lead the change" for producing eyewear that is as beautiful as they are "intelligent and functional".



