Logic Pro X Update Rolls Up Alongside New Mac Pro
As it to usher in the new machine with a red carpet, Logic Pro X has been given a major update this morning. This update includes the version number 10.0.5 and brings on 3 new Drummers to start the party off right. With 11 new Drum Kit Designer patches to bring up the rear, this update is one you'll certainly want to have a tap on.
Logic Pro X 10.0.5 brings on "significant enhancements" to both Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ plug-ins and gives a boost to Shuffle commands as well. Region names may be assigned to track names now with a simple command, colors of region and Mixel channels have been adjusted to reflect original Logic versions, and the Windows menu once again lists ALL currently open windows.
This update brings on the heat with improved handling of multiple displays on OS X Mavericks version 10.9 – perfect for the Mac Pro. You'll also find improved processor balancing in this version for multi-output software instrument configurations. You'll even have a new ability to exchange movie files in a project with a dragging of a new movie file into the Movie inspector or Movie window – easy peasy.

There's also a massive list of improvements that you'll never in a million years need to know all about. You'll have stability and reliability improvements, and ready to roll action on collaborative files with Final Pro X and GarageBand 6, just for the heck of it.
The full changelog is available while SlashGear's Apple hub will bring you all the information you could possibly desire on the rest of the Apple universe – have at it!