LG G6 Plus Specs VS Original: What's Changed?
This week the folks at LG have introduced a new set of features for the LG G6 as well as a new phone: the LG G6 Plus. The difference is in the device's ability to carry massive amounts of media as well as the device's newly boosted sound quality. This is the first time LG has released a device in this manner – generally they tend to release smartphones partway through the year with completely different names rather than crowning one that they released earlier.
The LG G6 is being released soon with a newly boosted 32GB of internal storage. With a Hi-Fi Audio Recorder and the same display, processor, and RAM as before, the LG G6 is still a high-end contender for best smartphone on the block. This new 32GB internal storage size version will cost users around $700 USD.
SEE TOO: Our full LG G6 Review
The internal storage size of the device called LG G6+ (or Plus) is 128GB. This will come in handy when the user starts to utilize their 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC for audio. The highest quality sound files will be needed to take full advantage – and they aren't tiny.
The LG G6 Plus will also ship with a pair of earphones from B&O Play. This makes the higher-quality audio feel a bit more solid as it blasts one's eardrums with great finesse. Wouldn't want to be blasting eardrums with low-end buds, would we?

The LG G6 and LG G6 Plus will be coming in a series of colors both classic and new – new as in not available for all models before. This includes Black and Platinum, which were out before, as well as Optical Marine Blue and Terra Gold.

The LG G6 that's already out on the market will get a software update this summer that adds a set of new feature abilities. These same abilities will be available on the LG G6 with 32GB internal storage and the LG G6 Plus. These features include a new Face Print screen unlock using the device's front-facing camera, a Low Power Consumption mode, and a Covered Lens warning for the camera.