LEGO Trump International Hotel And Tower Uses 65,000 Pieces

LEGO is cool and one of the geekier building materials out there. I like to see people build giant things out of the little bricks and marvel at the geek factor and time it took them to complete. The hardest thing I ever made form LEGO was a Technica racecar, this 10-foot tall replica of the Trump International Hotel and Tower isn't something I'd want to mess with.


The tower is 10-feet tall as I said, and it has 65,000 pieces. One of the coolest touches on the building is that it has some colored brick on the side to make a pattern that looks like reflected skyline of the city. This mimics the shiny glass of the real building. The finished effect is really cool. I can only imagine how long it took the artist, Sean Kenney, to build this thing.

The building is on permanent display at the Chicago LEGO Store. You have to check out the artist's website and see some of the things he has made from LEGO. The LEGO busts and photos are awesome. Apparently the build time was a full month at full-time, presumably 8-hours a day, along with two assistants.

[via Brothers Brick]


