LEGO Bringing 32 New Star Wars Sets For 2015
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens will be just one piece of the puzzle this year. The biggest toy company in the world has released notes at NYC's Toy Fair on their 2015 line of Star Wars sets, with LEGO bricks ranging from Star Wars Rebels through to the prequels and back to Star Wars Rebels. In all, LEGO has announced that 32 new sets will be coming to their Star Wars collection – and that's just so far. There may well be more up their sleeve.
According to LEGO, "the 2015 LEGO Star Wars collection is one of the largest and most diverse since its launch in 1999." Jill Wilfert, vice president of licensing and entertainment for The LEGO Group spoke up this week on the 2015 series.

"For more than 15 years," said Wilfert, "children and kids at heart have told and retold the Star Wars story through LEGO brick play and this year we will give them even more characters and elements to recreate the epic saga – including several sets with which to add Star Wars: The Force Awakens to their building adventures."
NOTE: For those of you looking for NEW images of LEGO sets appearing at the NYC toy show event this week – stay tuned. We're digging!
"As we all eagerly anticipate Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiering in December," said Wilvert, "2015 gives LEGO Star Wars fans a chance to build and play based on all of the existing Star Wars stories."

First, the sets that are already headed toward stores right this minute. There's a Sentate Commando Troopers set with four of your favorite guards – all dressed in blue. Then if you're all about heading to the dust-covered planet, there's a set of Geonosis Troopers.

These and Anakin's Custom Jedi Starfighter will round out your collection of Clone Wars sets for the first half of the year.

One set from the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is in stores now, believe it or not. That's the Star Wars Shadow Guards set – two Shadow Guards and two Shadow Stormtroopers – all shiny.

There's a number of sets from the prequels, including ONE with Jar Jar Binks – that's the AAT. Destroy your best buddy over and over again, at your leisure.
There's also a Republic Gunship Microfighter and Homing Spider Droid Microfighter – as well as a full-sized Hailfire Droid. This droid rolls right.

A Battle Droid Troop Carrier should be just the ticket if you're in the market for battle droids – there's 12 in the package.

For Revenge of the Sith you'll find one ARC-170 Starfighter Microfighter – super extra chibi cute!

You'll also find one Vulture Droid Microfighter – also super chibi and super cute!

At least one set for each of the original trilogy is coming as well.

For A New Hope you'll find a T-16 Skyhopper. For The Empire Strikes Back, you've got two Microfighters: a Snowspeeder and an AT-AT.

For Return of the Jedi you've got what LEGO describes as "two exciting sets launching later this year."

There'll be a number of new "Constraction Sets" for kids of all ages. First you'll see Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, both of them appearing this September, will be coming at $19.99 USD and up. More Constraction Figures will be appearing throughout the year.

NOTE: Constraction (Construction + Action) figures have appeared for BIONICLE, Hero Factory, and in superhero sets in the past. This is the first time the theme has spread to Star Wars.

And don't forget the LEGO Slave I. This is Boba Fett's ship, made up of a whopping 1,996 pieces and replicated with incredible detail. This ship is built to scale – minifigure scale – with Boba Fett, a Bespin Guard, one Stormtrooper, and Han Solo with Carbonite block.

Stay tuned as we continue to roll with LEGO with releases, updates, and reviews galore!

UPDATE: We now have access to LEGO's big ABCs of Star Wars minifigures! Have a peek at the FULL SIZED poster in this public Dropbox folder and feel free to download/print for yourself. Below this paragraph are images of each of the letters on their own.