Lapwork's Desk Lets You Game Away From Your Desk

I have a tendency to enjoy my daily blogging at very random locations throughout the house. It just depends on my mood. Typically I enjoy my desk, due to my monitor setup and my very comfortable desk chair. However, the couch occasionally wins me over and I end up in the living room with my laptop lying on my lap.


One problem I have is that I can't do the same when I want to play a bit of WoW, I have on occasion debated on how I could set it up downstairs. I do have it on my laptop, but to be honest it for some reason is a little obnoxious to play on. This lap desk is the perfect way to keep your gaming going no matter what your location.

The platform is 26.75" wide, which gives plenty of room for your keyboard and mouse. It is currently being sold for $39.95 in the color shown here, but as the year proceeds they will be getting a few other colors.

[via crave]

