Kobo Offers Ad-Supported eReaders At Lower Price

Kobo is trying to make its eBook readers a bit cheaper and is taking a page out of the Amazon book to do it. Kobo is adding new ad-supported versions of its eReaders like the Touch that are ad supported like some of the Amazon Kindle readers. Just like the Amazon ad-supported eReaders, the discount isn't huge. If you pick up the Kobo touch with Offers it will cost you $99, $30 off the normal price.


Offers are otherwise known as ads. The ads on the Kobo Touch with Offers are on screen savers when the reader is off or in sleep mode. The ads also pop up on the bottom of the home page. The good news is that there are no ads on the eBooks you purchase. This is identical to how the Kindle with Special Offers works.

That Kobo Touch us an eReader with a 6-inch screen using infrared touch technology. It packs 2GB of storage inside and has a microSD card slot for when you run out of space. It has WiFi only and can surf the web. The Kobo Touch supports most common eBook formats. The device is offered only in the US.

[via The-ebook-reader]

