Keep Cables Off The Floor And From Under Your Feet
If your home is anything like mine then there are invariably extension cords and power-adaptors snaking across the floor in various degrees of haphazard array. It not only makes it dangerous to walk around (unless you enjoy falling on your face, in which case perhaps you should wrap yourself in bubble-wrap), it's also pretty arduous trying to find the right cord and even which one is plugged in. So I'm severely tempted by this wall-mounted retractable extension cord.
It's really one of those things that does exactly what it says on the tin packaging: you hook it to the wall with a couple of screws and then tug out as much or as little of the 25-foot dual-outlet power cord as you need.
If you're particularly taken with the concept, then you can also flush-mount and hard-wire it to your mains supply. It's made of steel and plastic, so should stand up to some mild abuse, and is available now for $95.