Jolla Names Intex Technologies As First Sailfish OS Partner

Jolla has been busy splitting itself in two so that it can offer its Sailfish OS to different companies and make hardware at the same time. With the split having been announced earlier this month, Jolla has just announced its first Sailfish OS partner that will be producing devices running the OS. The first partner for Sailfish is Intex Technologies.


Intex Technologies is the second largest smartphone maker of Indian origin. Jolla has also announced that Sailfish 2.0 will be available for an optimized, scalable 4G LTE reference platform. Jolla plans to target India heavily and has announced the formation of Sailfish India.

Sailfish India is a regional mobile ecosystem for India together with internet and online firms Times Internet and Snapdeal. Intex is the first company to setup and sign on with Sailfish and the company plans to have devices running the OS on the market later in 2015.

One of the big features that Jolla is offering its OS partners in Sailfish OS 2.0 is called PartnerSpace. This is a premium location directly in the OS for different local services. This premium location is intended to help make it easier for consumers to make online purchases from partners with simple swipes.


