John McAfee contemplating run for presidency

If the U.S. presidential race isn't looking enough like a circus show for your tastes, give it time: John McAfee has revealed that he is contemplating a run for presidency, doing so with the encouragement of unnamed "advisors". McAfee, of course, is the man behind the antivirus software that you probably get tired of having to uninstall every time you buy a new laptop. More recently he has been known for his fugitive status, personal drama, and "eccentric" behavior.


McAfee recently revealed the possible plan to Wired, saying, "I personally am still in a quandary about whether to run myself or find someone else for my party. My advisors are pressing me to run." He also stated that he is looking for someone "smarter and more charismatic" whom he could back to run for presidency instead.

Who he may want to see run rather than himself wasn't stated, nor who these advisors are. Reportedly he has been contemplating a presidential run for a while, saying that he has received "many thousands of emails saying please run for President. It's not something I would just choose to do on my own."

Of course, McAfee has a history that casts broad doubt on his ability to lead a nation. In 2012, McAfee fled Belize because he was wanted for questioning about his neighbor's murder. He became a fugitive briefly, and ended up in a Guatemala jail. That's only a taste of his exploits, however, which include the bizarre video he published a couple years ago.



